When I think about how much Hunter Marketing has grown in our first three years, it feels intimately tied to the beautiful little human who gave me the courage to start this business in the first place: Madison Rose. When she came into my life, I suddenly couldn’t stand the idea of continuing to work with people who didn’t align with my personal and professional values in place of being with my baby. I started Hunter to one day make Madison Rose proud by doing fulfilling work for clients I care about with a team I love.

In Sept. 2019, my goal was to align with a client or two – enough to pay our bills. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect Hunter to blossom so quickly. Despite having a newborn daughter during a global pandemic, I was able to lean into my professional relationships to grow Hunter one client after another, gracefully growing our business portfolio and my team of Hunters.
As Madison spoke her first words and took her first steps, I began to breathe life into this business. Today, I’m surrounded by a team of 15 extraordinary Hunters and a growing book of clients with whom I am proud to work. When reflecting on a company’s rapid growth, another CEO might talk about business plans and projections – and I have those, too – but I think that at the end of the day, what makes us grow so quickly is heart.
Heart is what made those late nights, early mornings and jammed schedules worth it. Heart is what attracted our talented team members. And heart is the driving force behind my vision for Hunter’s future. I know in my bones that we are building something special that is just as dynamic, bright and boundless as my own imagination.
Best of all, I’m just getting started. At three years old, Hunter is already a multi-million dollar agency with more than a dozen clients. If you walk the streets of Columbus, you can find Hunter around every corner – in the beautiful banners hanging on Gay Street, the parking kiosks on the sidewalk, the COTA vehicles that roll by and the delectable smell of a Romeo’s Pizza.
So what does the future hold? One word – growth.
I’m wickedly excited to share that we are expanding into a second beautiful office space to accommodate our growing team! I cannot wait for all the innovative campaigns and adventurous creativity that will come to life in this new space.

For those that know and love our first-floor conference area, don’t fret! That space isn’t going anywhere, and we look forward to hosting more client meetings, happy hours and office parties in our first space.
Just as my Madison Rose ventures into an exciting new chapter at pre-school, so too does my business. Unlike those shaky first steps, we now walk with confidence. We are grounded in our experience and poised to grow tall and strong. Together, we are eager to continue offering extraordinary work delivered with joy.
Elspeth “Elle” Paige-Sack
Chief Engagement Officer